When used with a number, as in "AE23," "AE3" and so on, it indicates the size of the coin.
For Greek coins, the number identifies the diameter of the coin in millimetres. For Roman coins, numbers from 1 to 4 indicate a size range. AE1 is over 25mm. AE2 is 21-25 mm. AE3 is 17-21 mm, and AE4 is less than 17mm. The abbreviation AE is derived from the Latin word aes, meaning (base) metal.
Reverse: Prow of galley right; (VAL) / I / ROMA
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 27.3 g
Reverse: thunderbolt within oak wreath; MYΣΩN // ABBAITΩN
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.2 g
Reverse: eagle left; ABY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.5 g
Reverse: Large square "skew pattern" incuse
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 12.55 g
Reverse: Victory seated right, holding shield with (XP) inside on column; SALVS REI_PVBLICAE / SMKA?
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.78 g
Reverse: Eudoxia seated facing, hands folded over breast, crowned by hand of god, cross left; GLORIA RO_MANORVM / CON?
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.45 g
Reverse: Victory seated right, inscribing christogram on shield set on cippus; SALVS REI_PVBLICAE / ANTΓ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.8 g
Reverse: SALVS REIPVBLICAE, Victory seated right, inscribing a christogram on shield set on narrow column. T in right field. Mintmark CON Epsilon.
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 1.46 g
Reverse: Aelia Fllaccila facing, head right, draped, arms folded on breast; SALVS REI_PVBLICAE / SMKΓ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.8 g
Reverse: Victory seated right, inscribing christogram on shield set on cippus; SALVS REI_PVBLICAE / CONΓ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.25 g
Reverse: PMSC - OLVIM, Moesia standing between bull and Lion, AN XIV in exergue
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 8.8 g
Reverse: Moesia facing, head left between bull walking right on left and lion walking left on right; PMS C_OL VII / AN XIV
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 8 g
Reverse: Jupiter in biga right holding thunderbolt and reins; AISERNINO
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.9 g
Reverse: Facing double boddied owl; AΓA_ΘO
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.9 g
Reverse: S-C, Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 9 g
Reverse: Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident; S__C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 10.51 g
Reverse: Neptune standing facing left, nude except for draped cloak, holding small dolphin in right hand and trident in left; SC in fields
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 9.97 g
Reverse: Neptune standing left, holding small dolphin and trident; S-C across fields
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 9.57 g
Reverse: club; AΓYPI / NAIΩN
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.9 g
Reverse: naked Zeus standing half right holding eagle and scepter; AIΓAEΩN, (APE) (TAP) / (ΠAΩ)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.3 g
Reverse: goat head right
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1 g
Reverse: Head of goat right
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 1.03 g
Reverse: Head of goat right
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.06 g
Reverse: bridled horse head left; AIΓEAIΩN, (TPAM)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.75 g
Reverse: triskeles; AΡΧΙΕΡΕΩΣ / ΤΟΠΑΡΧΟΥ // ET_A // ΚΕΝ_ΝΑΤ / ΛΑΛΑΣΣ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.3 g
Reverse: Crab, crayfish left below •••
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 9.21 g
Reverse: forepart of horse right; AΛEΞAN / ΔPOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.5 g
Reverse: Young Dionysos holding kantharos and thyrsos standing left; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / AΛEΞANΔPOY, ΔΠP / (?Π?)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 7.18 g
Reverse: AΛEΞAN∆POY, quiver, bow and club
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 5.88 g
Reverse: ALEXANDROU, club, bow and quiver
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.39 g
Reverse: bow in quiver and club, torch below; BAΣIΛEΩΣ; countermark
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.38 g
Reverse: Bow in quiver and club; AΛEΞANΔPOY, ?
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 7.1 g
Reverse: Bow and Case above B dot A ; with club below
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.25 g
Reverse: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟY, Bowcase at top, club underneath inscription, laurel branch below
Die Orientation: 9 H
Weight: 4.06 g
Reverse: rider on horse right; B / A
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.75 g
Reverse: double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.1 g
Reverse: Seleucid anchor; BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.67 g
Reverse: Anchor in circle, BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.71 g
Reverse: Anchor in circle; BAΣIΛEΩΣ AΛEΞANΔPOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.6 g
Reverse: Anchor within circle blundered barbaric imitation of Greek legend around
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.54 g
Reverse: double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.4 g
Reverse: double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.3 g
Reverse: Double cornucopia adorned with ribbons, pomegranate between horns
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.3 g
Reverse: COL AVG, horse grazing right; TRO in exergue
Die Orientation: 1 H
Weight: 5.47 g
A pseudo-autonomous issue struck during the reign of Gallienus
Reverse: COL AVG TRO, eagle, wings spread, standing right on head of bull
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 5.69 g
Reverse: COL AVG, she-wolf standing right, suckling the twins Romulus and Remus; TRO in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 4.88 g
Reverse: LAETITIA AVG, galley right, with mast and six oars; QC in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.7 g
Reverse: VIRTVS AVG, Galley rowing left; QC mint mark in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 2.23 g
Reverse: PROVID AVG, Providentia standing left, holding globe and cornucopia; S-P across fields, C in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.19 g
Reverse: A / Λ / Ω. Kantharos; club in left field.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.56 g
Reverse: AMI-ΣOΣ, Nike advancing right, holding palm; monograms flanking
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 6.88 g
Ex Elwood Rafn collection, Ex-Agora Auctions lot 43-018
Reverse: Nike advancing right, holding palm over shoulder; AMI_ΣOY / (ΠΩΔ) _ (AVTE)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.9 g
Reverse: horse walking right; A_MΦIΠ_O / ΛITΩN, (ANT)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.56 g
Reverse: leaping bull right; A_MΦIΠ_O // ΛITΩN
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.6 g
Reverse: Lion walking right, B above (for Basileus), XOA below
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 8.8 g
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 17.25 g
Reverse: Monogram of Anastasius
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.06 g
Reverse: Nude rider, holding whip, on horse prancing right; below, ROMA.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.68 g
Reverse: Prow right, ROMA above, four pellets below.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 13.97 g
Reverse: Prow right, ROMA above, pellet below.
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 11.16 g
Reverse: Prow of galley right; ROMA above.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.32 g
Reverse: Prow of galley right, ROMA above, three pellets below.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.79 g
Reverse: Dog standing right, raising forepaw; ROMA in exergue.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.79 g
Reverse: cuirass; S__C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.57 g
Reverse: Cuirass; S-C across fields
Die Orientation: 7 H
Weight: 2.74 g
Reverse: legend within wreath; METAL / AVRELIA / NIS
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.5 g
Reverse: Apollo standing left, holding patera and kithara; APOLLONI__SANCTO / B / SMA
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.1 g
Reverse: Apollo standing left, holding patera and kithara; APOLLONI__SANCTO / I / SMA
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.9 g
Reverse: Crested Macedonian helmet
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 43 g
Reverse: Pan erecting trophy; monograms: B upleft / A right / E left / (ANT) below (mirror N - usually is normal)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.1 g
Reverse: Pan standing right, erecting trophy; B / K / Φ _ Λ // (ANT)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.1 g
Reverse: garlanded ligted altar; I / ET EϘP
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.9 g
Reverse: diademed bust of Iotape right; ΒΑCΙΛICC // A_NEMOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.2 g
Reverse: Nike holding wreath and palm walking left; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY, (MΛ) within wreath
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.55 g
Reverse: elephant right, club above, jawbone below BAΣIΛEΩΣ // ANTIOXOY (ΘEM)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.1 g
Reverse: tripod, bow left, club right BAΣIΛEΩΣ // ANTIOXOY (ΘEM)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 7.2 g
Reverse: Tripod, anchor below BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY Σ/E left , (HPYΔ) right
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.46 g
Reverse: Elephant left; anchor up side down to the left BAΣIΛEΩΣ // ANTIOXOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.7 g
Reverse: Nike advancing left, holding wreath; anchor left; BAΣIΛEΩΣ // ANTIOXOY, ΔI
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 9.25 g
Reverse: Apollo seated on omphalos left, holding arrow and bow; aphlaston left; BAΣIΛEΩΣ // ANTIOXOY / M
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.5 g
Reverse: veiled goddes facing, holding scepter; BAΣIΛEΩΣ // ANTIOXOY
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.75 g
Reverse: head of elephant left; tripod right, BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY ?
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.66 g
Reverse: Winged thunderbolt; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / ΦIΛOΠATOPOΣ Σ (TN) / *
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 7.2 g
Reverse: Turreted Tyche standing left holding rudder and cornucopia, prora below BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY // ΦIΛOΠATOPOΣ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4 g
Reverse: Dionysos standing left, leaning on thyrsos and holding kantharos; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / ΦIΛO_ΠATOPOΣ E / (NK)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 8.84 g
Reverse: Elephant left, torch in trunk, star right, BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY // EΠIΦANOYΣ / ΔIONYΣOY, ΣTA
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 8.5 g
Reverse: Headdress of Isis; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EYEPΓETOY, (Δ scepter) branch / EOP
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.6 g
Reverse: Headdress of Isis; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EYEPΓETOY, (Δ scepter) branch / EOP
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.5 g
Reverse: Eagle with scepter right; grain ear below; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EΠIΦANOYΣ, ΣE / X // BϘP
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.89 g
Reverse: Facing owl standing on amphora; BAΣIΛIΣΣHΣ / KΛEOΠATPAΣ // KAI / BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY // ϘP
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.3 g
Reverse: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP S-C, Claudius, togate, standing left, holding simpulum
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 12.6 g
Reverse very worn, but a nice portrait for the grade
Reverse: winged thunderbolt with four wings; KOINON MA_KEΔONΩN
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 7.39 g
Reverse: Tyche standing half left, holding rudder cornucopia; EΦECI_ΩN
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 7.7 g
Reverse: Eagle standing right on baetyl (the sacred stone) of Elagabal; EMI_CHNΩN / Γ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.31 g
Reverse: Hermanubis standing right, modius on head, himation on legs, holding caduceus and long palm, jackal left, head turned back; L _ B / K
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 15.4 g
Reverse: Legend: IMPERATOR II S CType: Victory, winged, draped, flying right, holding trophy, pointing upwards to right, in both hands
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 25.29 g
"Antoninus Pius received his second imperial acclamation, as recorded in this coin’s reverse legend, for the victory by his governor in Britannia, Quintus Lollius Urbicus, over the Brigantes in 143 AD. It was Urbicus that also constructed the Antonine Wall in Scotland from Forth to Clyde." - CNG
The obverse translates to "Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of the Fatherland, Holding the power of the Tribune of the Plebs, Consul for the third time"
The reverse translates to "Commander-in-Chief for the second time" SC stands for "senatus consultum", a decree of the senate.
Reverse: Legend: IVNONI SISPITAE SC Type: Juno Sospita walking right, wearing goatskin, preceded by serpent on ground, brandishing spear and holding long shield
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 27.55 g
CNG dates to 141-143 AD