The new system involved three denominations of gold (the solidus and its half and third) and five of copper – the follis, worth 40 nummi, and its fractions worth 20, 10, 5 and 1 nummus. The obverses featured a highly stylized portrait, while the reverse featured the value in Greek numerals; M=40, K=20, I=10, E=5.
Politically this period covers Anastasius and the Justinian Dynasty, and was characterized by efforts to reclaim lost territory – North Africa, Illyria, southern Spain, and Italy. The last Justinian emperor – Maurice – managed to make himself unpopular enough to trigger a revolt which cost him his life in 602 AD, and triggered a series of cataclysmic events which would undo the progress of the last century.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 17.25 g
Reverse: Monogram of Anastasius
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.06 g
Reverse: K
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.2 g
Reverse: VICTORI - A AVGGG ? (officina 4) around, CONOB in exergue, Constantinipolis seated facing, head r., holding spear and cross on globe.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.31 g
Reverse: Large M, ANNO to left, cross above, regnal year (XIII) to right, officina letter (ϵ) below; CON in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 21.4 g
Byzantine Empire
AE Follis
Minted at the fifth officina in Constantinople during regnal year 13 which corresponds to 539/540 AD (Reigns typically didn't start on January 1st, so there is overlap)
Reverse: Cross between I and B; AΛEΞ in exergue
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 2.61 g
Reverse: VICTORIA AVGGI, Angel standing facing, holding long P-headed cross, and cross on globe; CONOB in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 4.24 g
The I at the end denotes the 10th officina.
Given that Theodosius was not raised as co-emperor until 590, it makes sense to date the coin to his reign in my opinion.
CONOB="Constantinople, 1/72 pound pure gold"
Reverse: Large mark of value K; ANNO to left, cross above, X/I to right, A in exergue.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.15 g
Reverse: Large M, ANNO to left, cross above, regnal year XX (20) right, officina letter Δ below. Mintmark THEUP'.
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 10.54 g