The name derives from "Tarsa", the original name of the city in the Hittite language. During the Hellenistic era it was known as Antiochia on the Cydnus, and to the Romans it was known as Juliopolis to the Romans.
In 67 BC, Pompey, after crushing the Cilician pirates, subjected Tarsus to Rome, and it became capital of the Roman province of Cilicia.
In the Roman period, the city was also an important intellectual centre, boasting its own academy. One of its leading disciples, the philosopher Athenodorus Cananites, was the tutor of the first Roman emperor, Augustus, a fact which secured continuous imperial patronage for the city.
Modern location: Tarsus, Turkey

Reverse: AΛEΞANΔPOY - Zeus Aëtophoros seated to left, holding sceptre; AΛEΞANΔPOY to right, plough in left field.
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 16.86 g

Reverse: Zeus Aëtophoros enthroned left, holding eagle and scepter, plow left; AΛEΞANΔPOY, · / Θ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 16.9 g

Reverse: Dionysos standing left, leaning on thyrsos and holding kantharos; BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / ΦIΛO_ΠATOPOΣ E / (NK)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 8.84 g

Reverse: Female head (Aphrodite?) facing forwards, wearing stephane (headdress) and necklace
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.77 g

Reverse: Dionysos standing left, holding grapes and thyrsus, panther left head turned back; TAPCOV M_H_TPOΠOΛEΩ_C // A / M / K __ Γ / B
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 13.8 g
249 - Jun 251 AD

Reverse: Perseus standing left holding head of Medusa, facing fisherman Dictys standing right with fishing pole from which hang a fish and a basket. "TAPCOV MHTPOπO AEΩC"
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 20.2 g

Reverse: demiourgos crown over altar left; crown of the Cilicarch decorated with six imperial busts and three Nikai right; TAPCOV MHTPOΠOΛEΩC / A_Γ_M_K_B
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 9 g

Reverse: Nike standing on globe left, holding wreath and palm; TAPCOV M_H_TPOΠOΛEWC / A/M/K _ Γ/B
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 26 g

Reverse: turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche right; TAPCOV MHTPOΠOΛEΩC A / A/M/K _ B/Γ
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 24.4 g

Reverse: TAΡCOY MHTΡOΠOΛEΩC / A M K Γ B - Perseus on the left with winged sandals, standing right, holding harpa and cultus-image of Apollo Lykeios, the wolves in his left hand, fisherman right standing left, holding fishing rod with a fish and basket.
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 26.17 g

Reverse: lion attacking stag left
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.7 g

Reverse: lion bringing down bull left, attacking with teeth and claws; MZDI in Aramaic
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 10.9 g

Reverse: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ - Apollo Delphios seated left on omphalos, holding arrow in his right hand and resting his left on grounded bow, ΣA above club in outer left field, ΠA monogram in outer right field.
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 16.58 g
Added onto the Wildwinds site.

Reverse: Nike in quadriga left, holding wreath and palm; AΔPI CEVHPIANH / Γ B / TAPCOV MHT / POΠOΛEΩC
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 19.3 g

Reverse: Bearded head of Ares? left wearing crested Attic style helmet
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 0.8 g

Reverse: City goddess (Tyche?) seated on rocks left, holding grain ears, below river god Cydnus swimming left; TAPCOV MHTPOΠOΛEΩC / A/M/K _ Γ/B
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 15.9 g