Lugdunum was an important city in the western half of the Roman Empire for centuries. Two emperors - Claudius and Caracalla - were born in in the city. In the period AD 69–192 the city's population may have numbered 50,000 to 100,000, and possibly up to 200,000 inhabitants.
There is evidence of numerous temples and shrines in Lugdunum. Traditional Gallic gods like mallet-bearing Sucellus and the mother goddesses called the Matres (depicted with cornucopiae) continued to be worshiped somewhat syncretistically along with the Roman gods. Additional religious cults came with the oriental immigrants, who brought the eastern mystery religions to the Rhône valley. A major shrine of the Phrygian goddess Cybele was built in nearby Vienne, and she also seems to have found special favor in Lugdunum in the late 1st century and 2nd century.
Modern location: Lyons, France
Reverse: Apollo Citharoedus of Actium standing facing, head to left, holding plectrum in his right hand and lyre in his left; IMP X in fields; ACT in exergue
Die Orientation: 2 H
Weight: 3.31 g
The obverse translates to "Augustus, son of the Divine (referring to Julius Caesar)"
IMP X translates to "Commander-in-Chief for the 10th time", and ACT is short for Actium.
Reverse: ROM ET AVG, Front elevation of the Altar of Lyons, decorated with the corona civica between laurels, these being flanked by nude male figures to left and right, Victories on columns facing eachother
Die Orientation: 4 H
Weight: 9.56 g
Obverse: Caesar, High Priest
Reverse: To Rome and Augustus
The Sanctuary of the Three Gauls was founded by Drusus (stepson of Augustus) to federalize and Romanize this area as an Imperial province under Augustus following the Gallic wars of his predecessor Julius Caesar.
Reverse: Bull butting to the right; IMP•X in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 2.18 g
Reverse: front elevation of the Altar of Lugdunum, decorated with the corona civica between laurels, these being flanked by nude male figures, Victories on columns, facing one another; ROM ET AVG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.78 g
Reverse: AVGVSTVS, Eagle standing facing with wings spread, head to left
Die Orientation: 3 H
Weight: 1.87 g
Reverse: Altar of Lugdunum, highly decorated with corona civica, laurels, and nude male figures; Victories flanking; ROM ET AVG in exergue
Die Orientation: 9 H
Weight: 10.22 g
Reverse: Caius Caesar on horseback riding right, holding sword and reins; to left, aquila right between two signa; C•CAESAR / AVGVS•F
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.4 g
Reverse: Lucius Caesar and Caius Caesar facing, wearing toga, holding shield on the ground and spear, simpulum and lituus (b9) above; AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT / C L CAESARES
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.61 g
Reverse: C L CAESARES AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesar standing, each, wearing togas, resting hand on shield and spear, simpulum, right, and lituus, left, flanking, left and right respectively
Die Orientation: 4 H
Weight: 3.8 g
Reverse: eagle standing left, head right; CONSECRATIO / II
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.2 g
Reverse: she-wolf standing left, sucking twins, 2 stars above. Mintmark SLG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.35 g
Reverse: SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, holding right hand high in salute and globe, T-F across fields. Mintmark PLG.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.9 g
Reverse: Sol standing left, nude but for cloak over shoulder, raising right, globe in left; SOLI INVIC_TO COMITI / S_F / PLG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.1 g
Reverse: Sol standing left, nude but for cloak over shoulder, raising right, globe in left; SOLI INVI_CTO COMITI / A_S / PLG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.1 g
Reverse: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, Wreath containing VOT / X
Die Orientation: 1 H
Weight: -
Reverse: GENIO POPVLI ROMANI - Genius standing facing, head left, before lighted altar, modius on head & chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera & cornucopia, star in right field; PLC in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 9.61 g
Reverse: VICTORIAE LAET PRINC PERP: Two Victories, winged, draped, facing each other, holding a shield inscribed VOT/PR supported by an altar
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 17 g
Reverse: VICTORIAE DD NN AVG ET CAE, two victories standing facing each other, holding between them a wreath encircling VOT V MVLT X in four lines. Short support column? SV in lower field
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 0 g
Reverse: Two Victories holding inscribed shield; VICT DD NN AVG ET CAES // (XP) / VOT / V / MVLT / X / SP / RSLG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.1 g
Jul/Aug 350 - 18.8.353 AD
Reverse: Quies standing left extending hand against Providentia who is holding scepter and branch; PROVIDENTIA DEORVM QVIES AVGG / T_F / PLG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 9 g
Reverse: AETERNITAS AVG, Aeternitas standing left, holding globe and rudder; IIII in exergue
Die Orientation: 7 H
Weight: 3.87 g
Reverse: VICTORIA GALBAE AVG, Victory wearing drapery, standing facing left on top of globe, holding wreath and palm
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 1.62 g
Reverse: GERMANICVS MAX V, Trophy (with two small shields) between two captives.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.4 g
Reverse: VOTIS V MVLTIS X within wreath, mintmark LVG
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 1.5 g
Reverse: Lion walking right; ANTONI above; A - XLI ( = 41, Antony’s age at time of issue) across field; IMP in exergue.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.88 g
Reverse: PAX AVGG, Pax standing left, holding Victory on globe and transverse sceptre; III in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 3.59 g
Reverse: SECVRITAS AVGVSTI S-C, II in ex, Securitas seated right, holding veil above her head, altar at feet right.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 12.2 g
Reverse: CER QVINC ROM CON around, SC in exergue, Table, seen at an angle, surmounted by an urn on the left and wreath on the right.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.3 g
Reverse: Victory alighting left, holding shield inscribed SPQR, with S C across field
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 10.5 g
Reverse: SPQR / S-C - S-C to left and right of Victory flying left, holding shield inscribed SPQR.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 10.37 g
Reverse: PAX AVGG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 3.74 g
Reverse: VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm, captive at foot
Die Orientation: -
Weight: -
Reverse: VICTORIA AVG, Victory walking left, holding wreath and palm, captive at foot.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.6 g
Reverse: P M TR P IIII COS III P P, Mars walking right with trophy and transverse spear
Die Orientation: 7 H
Weight: 2.9 g
Reverse: LAETITIA / AVG - Galley left with four rowers and steersman, AVG below.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 18.84 g
Reverse: FORTVNA AVG - Fortuna standing, head left, holding rudder and cornucopia.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.3 g
Reverse: VIRTVS AVG - Virtus standing right, holding spear and shield.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.46 g
Reverse: Minerva standing left, holding olive branch and spear; COMITI__PROBI AVG / I
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.01 g
Reverse: FIDES MILITVM / Fides standing left, holding two ensigns. Mintmark: / III
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.27 g
Reverse: PRINC IVVENT, prince standing left holding baton and transverse spear, one standard to right
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.7 g
Reverse: TEMPORVM FELICITAS - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and a cornucopiae, A-* across fields.
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 3.37 g
Reverse: FELICITAS SAECVLI / C-* - Felicitas standing left, holding patera over small altar in right hand, long-handled caduceus in left hand; C-* across fields..
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 4.62 g
Reverse: ROM ET AVG, Altar highly decorated with corona civica, laurels, and nude male figures; Victories flanking
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 7.68 g
Reverse: Altar of Lugdunum, ROM ET AVG below
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 4.03 g
Reverse: PONTIF MAXIM: Female figure, draped, right, seated, right holding branch and long vertical sceptre, on chair with ornamented legs; below chair, a single line
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.44 g
Reverse: Vulcan in temple with hammer and pincers, anvil at foot / DEO VOLKANO
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 4.01 g
Reverse: S-C - Eagle standing facing on globe, head right, S-C across fields.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 10.35 g
Reverse: VICTORIA AVGVSTI / S-C - Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm, S-C across fields.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 9.98 g
Reverse: VICTORIA AVGVSTI / SPQR - Victory flying left, holding shield inscribed SPQR.
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 2.82 g