Evagoras was the king of Salamis (411–374 BC) in Cyprus, known especially from the work of Isocrates, who presents him as a model ruler.
He claimed descent from Teucer, the son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax, and his family had long been rulers of Salamis, although during his childhood Salamis came under Phoenician control, which resulted in his exile. While in Cilicia, Evagoras gathered the support of 50 followers and returned secretly in 410, to gain possession of the throne.
For most of his rule, he fought the Persians who claimed Cyprus for themselves. The Persian generals Tiribazus and Orontes at last invaded Cyprus in 385 BC, with an army far larger than what Evagoras could command. However, Evagoras managed to cut off this force from being resupplied, and the starving troops rebelled. Evagoras was allowed to remain nominally king of Salamis, but in reality a vassal of Persia, to which he was to pay a yearly tribute. He was assassinated in 374 BC, and succeeded by his son, Nicocles.
He claimed descent from Teucer, the son of Telamon and half-brother of Ajax, and his family had long been rulers of Salamis, although during his childhood Salamis came under Phoenician control, which resulted in his exile. While in Cilicia, Evagoras gathered the support of 50 followers and returned secretly in 410, to gain possession of the throne.
For most of his rule, he fought the Persians who claimed Cyprus for themselves. The Persian generals Tiribazus and Orontes at last invaded Cyprus in 385 BC, with an army far larger than what Evagoras could command. However, Evagoras managed to cut off this force from being resupplied, and the starving troops rebelled. Evagoras was allowed to remain nominally king of Salamis, but in reality a vassal of Persia, to which he was to pay a yearly tribute. He was assassinated in 374 BC, and succeeded by his son, Nicocles.
Evagoras I
struck 411-373 BC
Salamis (Cyprus)
Obverse: Bare head of young male facing right (Evagoras?)
Reverse: Smooth, no design
10 mm
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 0.79 g
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 0.79 g
Kingdom of Salamis
BMC 45; Tziambazis 116