It was located on the left bank (east and south) of the River Tiber, extending northward to the River Anio and southeastward to the Pomptina Palus as far south as the Circeian promontory. The right bank of the Tiber was occupied by the Etruscan city of Veii, and the other borders were occupied by Italic tribes. Subsequently, Rome defeated Veii and then its Italic neighbours, expanding Latium to the Apennine Mountains in the northeast and to the opposite end of the marsh in the southeast.
The ancient language of the Latins, the tribespeople who occupied Latium, was to become the immediate predecessor of the Old Latin language, ancestor of Latin and the Romance languages. Latium has played an important role in history owing to its status as the host of the capital city of Rome, at one time the cultural and political centre of the Roman Empire.
Reverse: Togate figure standing left, raising hand, between aquila and fasces. A – POST•A•F – •S•N – ALBIN across fields and in exergue.
Die Orientation: 10 H
Weight: 4.13 g
Provenance: CNG 106 (13 September 2017), lot 651. Ex Deyo Collection (Classical Numismatic Group 90, 23 May 2012), lot 1334. Stack’s (9 December 1992), lot 3177.
Reverse: 3 horsmen galloping left (A. Postumius Albus Regillensis); fallen enemy and two standards in front of them; A·(AL)BINVS·S·F
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.9 g
Reverse: Luna in biga right holding goad and reins A·SP(VR)I ROMA
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.4 g
Reverse: Prow of galley right; (VAL) / I / ROMA
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 27.3 g
Reverse: TR POT COS II, Concordia seated facing left, holding patera and resting arm on cornucopia; CONCORD in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.86 g
Reverse: TR POT COS II - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae.
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.63 g
Reverse: PACI AVG, Pax standing left, holding olive branch and transverse sceptre, with legs crossed, leaning on column
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 3.79 g
Reverse: S-C, Neptune standing facing, head left, naked except for cloak draped behind him & over both arms, holding small dolphin in right hand & vertical trident in left.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 9 g
Reverse: Neptune standing left, holding dolphin and trident; S__C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 10.51 g
Reverse: Neptune standing facing left, nude except for draped cloak, holding small dolphin in right hand and trident in left; SC in fields
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 9.97 g
Reverse: Neptune standing left, holding small dolphin and trident; S-C across fields
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 9.57 g
Reverse: Victory, holding goad, driving biga right; ROMA in exergue.
Die Orientation: 7 H
Weight: 3.75 g
Reverse: Nude rider, holding whip, on horse prancing right; below, ROMA.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 6.68 g
Reverse: Prow right, ROMA above, four pellets below.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 13.97 g
Reverse: Prow right, ROMA above, pellet below.
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 11.16 g
Reverse: Prow of galley right; ROMA above.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.32 g
Reverse: Prow of galley right, ROMA above, three pellets below.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.79 g
Reverse: Dog standing right, raising forepaw; ROMA in exergue.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 1.79 g
Reverse: cuirass; S__C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.57 g
Reverse: Luna in prancing biga right; below, fly and ROMA in exergue.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.85 g
Reverse: Jupiter in quadriga driven by Victory right, holding sceptre and thunderbolt; ROMA below
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 5.72 g
Reverse: Jupiter, holding sceptre and brandishing thunderbolt, in quadriga driven to right by Victory; ROMA incuse on tablet below
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 6.76 g
Reverse: Jupiter, holding sceptre and brandishing thunderbolt, in quadriga driven to right by Victory; ROMA incuse on tablet below
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 6.57 g
Reverse: Cuirass; S-C across fields
Die Orientation: 7 H
Weight: 2.74 g
Reverse: The Dioscuri, each holding spear, on horseback right; two stars above; ROMA in exergue.
Die Orientation: 9 H
Weight: 3.98 g
Reverse: TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP S-C, Claudius, togate, standing left, holding simpulum
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 12.6 g
Reverse very worn, but a nice portrait for the grade
Reverse: ROMA COS IIII, Roma, helmeted, draped, seated left, on throne, holding Victory and vertical spear
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 2.9 g
Reverse: TR POT [XIX?] COS IIII, Annona standing left, holding grain ears and resting hand on modius set on prow to right
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 2.3 g
Reverse: FELIC SAEC COS IIII, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and resting on column
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.09 g
Reverse: Legend: IMPERATOR II S CType: Victory, winged, draped, flying right, holding trophy, pointing upwards to right, in both hands
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 25.29 g
"Antoninus Pius received his second imperial acclamation, as recorded in this coin’s reverse legend, for the victory by his governor in Britannia, Quintus Lollius Urbicus, over the Brigantes in 143 AD. It was Urbicus that also constructed the Antonine Wall in Scotland from Forth to Clyde." - CNG
The obverse translates to "Antoninus Augustus Pius, Father of the Fatherland, Holding the power of the Tribune of the Plebs, Consul for the third time"
The reverse translates to "Commander-in-Chief for the second time" SC stands for "senatus consultum", a decree of the senate.
Reverse: Legend: IVNONI SISPITAE SC Type: Juno Sospita walking right, wearing goatskin, preceded by serpent on ground, brandishing spear and holding long shield
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 27.55 g
CNG dates to 141-143 AD
Reverse: TR POT XIIII COS IIII, Tranquilitas standing facing right, holding ship's rudder and corn ears; TRANQ in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.65 g
Obverse: Commander-in-Chief Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus the Pious, Father of the Fatherland
Reverse: Holding the power of the Tribune of the Plebs for the 14th time, Consul for the 4th time, TRANQ is just short for Tranquilitas
Reverse: TR POT XXI COS IIII, Roma seated left on cuirass, foot on helmet, holding Victory and parazonium; shield behind. S-C in exergue.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 28 g
Reverse: TR POT COS IIII VICT AVG SC, Victory in quadriga right.
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 12.83 g
Reverse: CONSECRATIO / Eagle standing right, head left, on altar
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 2.8 g
Posthumous. Struck under Marcus Aurelius
Reverse: Temple of Augustus and Livia; TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST / COS IIII
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.68 g
This issue comemorates reconstruction of the temple of Augustus and Livia by Antoninus.
Reverse: Annona standing left, hand on modius, holding grain ears, modius situated on prow; COS__IIII
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.4 g
Reverse: Clementia standing left, holding patera and scepter; CLEMEN_TIA AVG
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.6 g
Reverse: Victory standing left, holding wreath and palm; IMPE_RA_TO_R II
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.2 g
Reverse: Pax holding cornucopia set weapons on fire; COS__II_II / PAX_AVG / S C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 26.33 g
Reverse: hands in handshake grasping winged caduceus and grain ears; TR__P__COS__II
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.46 g
Reverse: hands, in handshake, grasping winged caduceus and grain ears; AVG PIVS P M TR P__COS__II P P
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.83 g
Reverse: Victory advancing right, holding wreath and palm; IMPERA_TOR II / S__C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 11.79 g
Reverse: Vesta standing left, holding simpulum and Palladium; COS__IIII
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 3.11 g
Reverse: distyle shrine with arched roof containing statue of the Genius of the Senate, togate, raising hand, holding eagle-tipped scepter, standing on pedestal; COS__IIII / S C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 13.04 g
Reverse: Apollo standing left holding lyre and patera; APOLLI_NI__AVGVSTO / S C
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 19.4 g
Reverse: COS IIII / Fortuna, draped, standing right, holding rudder, vertical on globe, in right hand and cornucopiae, with tip turned from body, in left
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 2.95 g
Reverse: Salus standing front, head to the left, feeding serpent out of patera with right hand, holding rudder atop globe with left hand, serpent rising from altar, text (COS•IIII)
Die Orientation: -
Weight: -
Reverse: SALVS AVG, SC below / Salus seated left by altar, holding patera, feeding a serpent rising from altar and resting left arm on the back of the chair
Die Orientation: -
Weight: 22.78 g
Reverse: CONSECRATIO, eagle standing right, head left, upon altar
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 3.05 g
Reverse: [SECVRITAS] PVBLICA, Securitas sanding left, holding sceptre and leaning on column; S-C across fields
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 9.68 g
Reverse: LIBERTAS COS IIII, Libertas standing facing, head right, holding pileus in left hand and with right arm outstretched; S-C across fields
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 22.92 g
Reverse: Legend: TR POT COS IIII SC Type: Aeternitas standing facing, head left, holding scarf with left hand and extending right hand
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 9.21 g
CNG dates to 145-147 AD
Reverse: Legend: SALVS AVG SC Type: Salus, draped, standing facing, head left, feeding snake coiled round altar, and holding rudder on globe
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 24.96 g
CNG dates to 141-143 AD
Reverse: Legend: MVNIFICENTIA AVG COS III SC Type: Elephant wearing cuirass, walking right
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 8.14 g
Celebrating the generosity of Pius putting on games in the colosseum to commemorate the 900th anniversary of the founding of Rome and/or his tenth year of rule.
Reverse: Legend: S P Q R OPTIMO PRINCIPI S C Type: Legend in four lines, within oak wreath
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 9.63 g
Reverse: Legend: SC Type: Mars, draped, naked but for cloak hanging behind him, advancing right, holding transverse spear in right hand and trophy over left shoulder in left
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 23.57 g
CNG specifically dates to 147 AD
Reverse: SALVS AVG - Salus, draped, standing left, feeding out of patera in right hand snake coiled round altar left and holding vertical sceptre in left; S-C in fields
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 22.15 g
Reverse: IMPERATOR II - Fides, draped, standing, right, holding two corn-ears downwards in right hand and dish of fruit on raised left hand; S-C in fields
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 22.88 g
Reverse: CONSECRATIO - Pyre in four tiers, decorated with swagged hangings and garlands, surmounted by facing quadriga; S-C in fields
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 23.28 g
Reverse: PIETATI AVG COS IIII - Pietas, draped, standing left, holding globe on extended right hand and child in left arm: to left and right, a small child standing, left, each raising right hand; S-C in fields
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 22.97 g
Reverse: TR POT XX COS IIII - Annona, draped, standing right, left foot on prow, holding rudder in right hand and modius in left
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.74 g
Reverse: TR POT COS III, Spes, advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt; SC in fields
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 10.2 g
Reverse: TIBERIS, Tiber, crowned with reeds, reclining left, resting left elbow on rock, from which water flows and resting right hand on forepart of boat, on left; in left hand, a reed; SC in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 22.08 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Togate figure standing, front, head left, on cippus in shrine of two arches, with semi-circular top: he extends right hand and holds vertical scepter in left; SC in exergue
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 25.54 g
Reverse: CONCORDIA AVG, Concordia, draped, standing right, holding scepter in right hand and cornucopia in left
Die Orientation: 7 H
Weight: 3.29 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Vesta, veiled, draped, standing facing, head left, holding simpulum in extended right hand and palladium in left
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.18 g
Reverse: VOTA SOL DECENN II, Antoninus Pius, standing facing left, sacrificing with patera over tripod, left arm at side; by altar, bull reclining; S-C in fields; COS IIII in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 13.71 g
Reverse: TR POT COS IIII, Minerva, standing right, brandishing javelin and holding shield; SC in fields
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 11.24 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Antoninus Pius standing facing left, wearing toga, sacrificing with patera over tripod; SC in fields; VOTA in exergue
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 10.85 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Salus, draped, standing left, holding patera in right hand feeding snake coiled around altar; she holds rudder set on globe in left hand
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.09 g
Reverse: CONSECRATIO, Pyre of four tiers, decorated with hangings and garlands, surmounted by quadriga
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.17 g
Reverse: AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas, draped, standing left, holding scales in lowered right hand and vertical scepter in left
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.64 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Aequitas, draped, standing facing, head left, holding scales in extended right hand and cornucopia in left; S-C in fields
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 23.31 g
Reverse: ANNONA AVG, Annona standing facing, head left, holding grain ears and anchor; modius at left; SC in fields; COS IIII in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 29.17 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Fortuna, draped, standing facing, head right, holding rudder on globe in right hand and cornucopia in left
Die Orientation: 5 H
Weight: 2.68 g
Reverse: PAX AVG COS IIII, Pax, draped, standing facing, head left, with torch in right hand setting fire to heap of arms on ground at left, and holding cornucopia in left hand; SC in exergue
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 24.58 g
Reverse: CONSECRATIO, Eagle standing facing right, head left, on altar, decorated with garlands
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.02 g
Reverse: AVG PIVS P M TR P COS II, Pax standing left, holding branch in extended right hand, and cornucopia in left
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.14 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Clasped hands holding caduceus between two corn-ears
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.06 g
Reverse: CONSECRATIO, Pyre of four tiers, decorated with hangings and garlands, surmounted by quadriga
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.57 g
Reverse: IMPERATOR II, She-wolf, suckling twins, standing, right; below, boat
Die Orientation: 11 H
Weight: 9.42 g
Reverse: TR POT XIX COS IIII, Annona, draped, seated right, holding cornucopiae in both hands: modius with grain stalks at her feet; SC in exergue
Die Orientation: 10 H
Weight: 10.87 g
Reverse: TR POT XIX COS IIII, Providentia, standing left, pointing with right hand at large globe and holding scepter; SC in fields
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 13.45 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Vesta, veiled, draped, standing left, sacrificing out of patera in right hand over lighted altar and holding palladium at shoulder in left
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.25 g
Reverse: TEMPL DIVI AVG REST, Octastyle temple, in which are seated figures of Divus Augustus and Livia; COS IIII in exergue; SC in fields
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 9.6 g
Inscription truncated on this example, and clearly a bust with drapery
Reverse of 1017 is: TEMPLVM DIV AVG REST
Inscription truncated on this example
Ex. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH, Auction 44, Lot 306, November 25th, 2016, Mention of Smoothed Fields (I agree)
Description goes on to say: The temple of Divus Augustus and Livia, started under Tiberius and
consecrated by Caligula, stood on the Capitol in Rome. It was probably renovated under Antoninus
Ex. Auktionshaus H. D. Rauch GmbH, E-Auction 19, Lot 256, February 26th, 2016
Reverse: COS IIII, Vesta, standing left, sacrificing with patera in right hand near altar and holding palladium in left
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 2.46 g
Reverse: COS IIII, Salus, draped, standing left, holding patera in right hand feeding snake coiled around altar; she holds rudder set on globe in left hand
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 3.24 g
dating from CNG
Reverse: TRIB POT COS, Pietas, veiled, standing left, raising hand and holding incense box; to left, altar; S-C in fields; PIETAS in exergue
Die Orientation: 0 H
Weight: 22 g
Minted circa February 25th-July 10th, 138 AD
Reverse: TRIB POT COS DES II, Pietas, veiled, standing left, raising hand and holding incense box; to left, altar; S-C in fields; PIETAS in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 22.77 g
Minted circa February 25th-July 10th, 138 AD
Reverse: INDVLGENTIA AVG COS IIII, Indulgentia, draped, seated left, extending right hand and holding transverse scepter in left; S-C in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 9.54 g
"Indulgentia is an allegorical goddess or personification of indulgence, clemency, pardon."
It seems possible that this coin refers to Pius's suspension of the collection of taxes and the offering of grants for rebuilding, namely cities in the province of Asia struck by a major earthquake, specifically perhaps Cyzicus, Ephesus, and Smyrna in 152 AD.
Reverse: TEMPLVM DIVI AVG REST, Front view of octastyle temple, containing statues of Divus Augustus and Livia; COS IIII in exergue
Die Orientation: 6 H
Weight: 3.21 g
"The temple of Divus Augustus and Livia, started under Tiberius and consecrated by Caligula, stood on the Capitol in Rome. It was probably renovated under Antoninus Pius." Ex. Roma E-Sale 69 Lot 981 March 16, 2020
Reverse: TR POT XIX COS IIII, Annona seated right, holding cornucopia, modius at her feet; SC in exergue
Die Orientation: 12 H
Weight: 11.56 g
Reverse: TR POT XX COS IIII, Providentia, draped, standing, pointing with right hand at large globe left and holding scepter, vertical, in left; S-C in fields