Coins from Gallia Cisalpina
Gallia Cisalpina was the part of Italy inhabited by Celts during the 4th and 3rd centuries BC. Conquered by the Roman Republic in the 220s BC, it was a Roman province from c. 81 BC until 42 BC, when it was merged into Roman Italy. Until that time, it was considered part of Gaul, precisely that part of Gaul on the "hither side of the Alps" (from the perspective of the Romans), as opposed to Gallia Transalpina ("on the far side of the Alps").

Gallia Cisalpina was further subdivided into Gallia Cispadana and Gallia Transpadana, i.e. its portions south and north of the Po River, respectively. The Roman province of the 1st century BC was bounded on the north and west by the Alps, in the south as far as Placentia by the river Po, and then by the Apennines and the river Rubicon, and in the east by the Adriatic Sea. In 49 BC all inhabitants of Cisalpine Gaul received Roman citizenship.
Gallia Cisalpina
A settlement in Gallia Cisalpina
A settlement in Gallia Cisalpina also known as Milan
A settlement in Gallia Cisalpina
A settlement in Gallia Cisalpina
(5) Venice
A settlement in Gallia Cisalpina also known as Venezia